peer-reviewed publications
*Kenyon College undergraduate student
14. Linck, E.B., J.L. Williamson, E. Bautista, E.J. Beckman, P.M. Benham, S.G. DuBay, L.M. Flores, C.R. Gadek, A.B. Johnson, M.R. Jones, J. Núñez-Zapata, A. Quiñonez, C.J. Schmitt, D. Susanibar, J. Tiravanti, K. Verde-Guerra, N.A. Wright, T. Valqui, J.F. Storz, and C.C. Witt. 2023. Blood variation implicates respiratory limits on elevational ranges of Andean birds. American Naturalist 201:741-754.
13. Kiser, S.L., C.M. Andrews, S.B. Seidel, M.R. Fisher, N.A. Wright, and E.J. Theobald. 2022. Increased pass rates in Introductory Biology: benefits and potential costs of implementing a mathematics prerequisite in a community college setting. CBE-Life Sciences Education 21:ar72.
12. Kotnour*, J.L., S.J. McPeek*, H. Wedig*, J. Dominguez*, and N.A. Wright. 2022. Relative forelimb-hindlimb investment is associated with flight style, foraging strategy, and nestling period, but not nest type. Ornithology (formerly known as The Auk) 139: ukab084.
11. Mouton, J.C., B.W. Tobalske, N.A. Wright, and T.E. Martin. 2020. Risk of predation on offspring reduces parental provisioning, but not flight performance or survival across early life stages. Functional Ecology 34:2147-2157.
10. Claramunt, S. and N.A. Wright. 2017. Using museum specimens to study flight and dispersal. The Extended Specimen: Emerging Frontiers in Collections-Based Ornithological Research. Series: Studies in Avian Biology. Ed. Michael S. Webster. CRC Press.
9. Wright, N.A., D.W. Steadman, and C.C. Witt. 2016. Predictable evolution toward flightlessness in volant island birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:4765-4770. pdf | Altmetrics | Press by Ed Yong at National Geographic | featured on the podcast Recent Paper, Decent Puzzle with Dan Riskin
8. Grady, J.M., B.J. Enquist, E. Dettweiler-Robinson, N.A. Wright, and F.A. Smith. 2015. Response to comments on "Evidence for mesothermy in dionsaurs." Science 348:982-982. pdf
7. Grady, J.M., B.J. Enquist, E. Dettweiler-Robinson, N.A. Wright, and F.A. Smith. 2014. Evidence for mesothermy in dinosaurs. Science 344:1268-1272. pdf | Altmetrics | Press at National Geographic, BBC News, CBS News, Christian Science Monitor
6. Wright, N.A., T.R. Gregory, and C.C. Witt. 2014. Metabolic 'engines' of flight drive genome size reduction in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281:20132780. pdf | Altmetrics
5. Steadman, D.W., J.R. Morris, and N.A. Wright. 2013. A new species of late Pleistocene rail (Aves: Rallidae) from Abaco, the Bahamas. Paleontological Journal 47:1355-1364. pdf
4. Wright, N.A. and D.W. Steadman. 2012. Insular avian adaptations on two Neotropical continental islands. Journal of Biogeography 39:1891-1899. pdf
3. Sibly, R.M., C.C. Witt, N.A. Wright, C. Venditti, W. Jetz, and J.H. Brown. 2012. Energetics, ecology, and reproduction in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 109:10937-10941. pdf
2. Benham, P. M., E. J. Beckman, S. G. DuBay, M. Flores, A. B. Johnson, M. J. Lelevier, C. J. Schmitt, N.A. Wright, and C. C. Witt. 2011. Satellite imagery reveals new critical habitat for endangered bird species in the high Andes of Peru. Endangered Species Research 13:145-157. link
1. Steadman, D.W., J.R. Montambault, S.K. Robinson, S.N. Oswalt, T.J. Brandeis, G.A. Londoño, M.J. Reetz, W.M. Schelsky, N.A. Wright, J.P. Hoover, J. Jankowski, A.W. Kratter, A.E. Martínez, and J. Smith. 2009. Relative Abundance and Habitat Use of Wintering Neotropical Migrants and Resident Landbirds on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:41-53. pdf
Non-referred publications
Wright, N.A. 2015. The Effects of Ecology and Evolution on Avian Flight Morphology. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of New Mexico.
Wright, N.A. 2009. Gene Flow, Divergence, and Morphological Differentiation in Birds on the Islands of Trinidad and Tobago. M.S. Thesis, University of Florida.
Wright, N.A., S.A. Hilber, and R. Darner. 2009. Vertebrate Zoology Laboratory Manual for the University of Florida. Target Copy, Gainesville, FL.